The truth is that we can all make better choices even if we are in the worst of restuarants. My daughter learns from my actions. I may not necessarily use words but children are eager learners. If we start teaching them to make better choices from a ripe age it will save them a lifetime of health worries. I rarely worry about what choices my daughter will make. Let me tell you a little story about a little girl called Nina, who said no to MacDonald's. Nina just turned six this July. She watches mummy cook and shop. We make fresh carrot juices in the morning and eat fruits for breakfast etc. I do it with joy and she sees me, so it has become a habit for her as well. So recently, on vacation in another state with her grandparents and grand aunt, she goes to a Macdonald's to use their play ground. My daughter didn't not even nibble on her french fry not to talk of eating her burger! Her reason being "It is unhealthy" and when asked if she wanted some juice, milk shakes and all the rest, she simply declined and said she would rather drink water. When I was told this over the phone I had tears in my eyes. I laughed so hard that it hurt. You see, I am very proud of Nina, I have always said if there were just two things I could teach her in this life, it would be to love Jesus Christ and to eat healthy. Children learn from the examples they have around them, especially the examples of their parents. Give your child a better life by doing what you can do to have them live a fuller and healthier life. Long Live FYR!