1 tbsp organic barley max
2 ripe bananas
2 ripe, golden pears
2 tsp coconut oil
12 oz water
I later juiced some fennel/apple/celery and ginger....mm, mm great! Not everyone at home (except for Rick, likes it so it's more for me.)
If there is one movie anyone should watch going into the new year, let it be 'FOOD INC.' I can't imagine anyone still eating animal flesh, or at the very least reducing their intake of animal protein, after this very important movie but to each his/her own, right? At least do yourself a favor and know how your meat is fed, raised/handled and packaged. Some people choose to live in ignorance but I choose to know and then make a choice after the facts. If you have netflix service you can rent it or watch it on your computer or TV.
I wish more people were as passionate about this planet and what they eat as they are with every other thing aspect of their lives. More passionate people means better communities, changes in laws, less sick people and a better environment for our children and those who will come after us someday. More passionate people means more organic foods and less processed foods, it mean lower rates of cancers and every other disease that plagues our society. More passionate people means more voices that are heard, more determined and decisive people who can make a change and start a revolution. More passionate people means less ignorance about what we choose to feed ourselves and our families, more passionate people means more happy people, more happy and healthy children, more happy and healthy children who can pass it on.....does anyone care to join? does anyone hear the cries? does anyone care to make a difference starting with themselves and their households and then to the communities and eventually to the world/planet.
Those who fought and dedicated their lives to preventive medicine have been ridiculed, bashed and forgotten. The selfless ones are the ones who are called tyrants and pushed away. So today I dedicate this blog to a few of my heroes and heroines:
Dr. Max Gerson (for his relentless efforts and commitments towards eradicating cancer--which he countless cases. You can purchase The Gerson Therapy at any local book store and online)
Dr. John R. Christoper: Herbal Legacy
Dr. Ann Wigmore: For her amazing discovery of the benefits of juicing wheat grass and more.
T. Colin Campbell (For his amazing contribution to nutrition and health. Read The China Study)
Victorai Boutenko: Green For Life
My gosh this list will never end if I continue but these are my heroes because they dedicated their lives to serving others in the most basic ways we often forget; food. We can become, pilots, doctors, teacher, farmers but we must all eat to live. We must all eat the right foods to have a full life that not only enriches us but everyone in our community. I thank God everyday that I was open enough to learn these truths and willing enough to incorporate it in my life and my loved ones and also to have this forum where those who seek can be inspired to open their ears, hearts and minds to dare something new. I applaud all of you who seek, the truth is right in front of you, reach out and grab it for yourself. It is your birthright!
"When the Student Is Ready, the Teacher Will Come." Are you ready?