Are you ready for the Forever Young Revolution™ to be the solution in your resolution this year?
It is often easier to show love to others than to ourselves, so this year I’m challenging you to spread that love to you, too. For me, it is getting a gorgeous swimsuit(s). All my life, I have always avoided wearing swimsuits, mostly because I was shy and partly because I was insecure about how I would look in them. So here I am, 32 years old, two children later and I can't wait to buy and wear my very first swimsuit... What about you? Have you lived your life shying away from them, too?
I already have my eye on quite a few red-hot-on-fire designs. But, I’d rather not be doing this alone, so I am sending this message to all who want to join me on this exciting ride. It’s the FYR™ Swimsuit Reveal. All you have to do is ‘follow’ my blog, get your copies of the FYR™ eBooks and join The Revolution. I’m betting you’ll love yourself a little differently if you do. Everyone who hops aboard must send me an email telling me about themselves and why they want to join in the fun. You must also include a current photo, and then, another photo of the new you, so that on July15, 2011 the reveals can take place:
All of us will reveal ourselves in our bathing suits. The excitement doesn’t stop there, for twelve lucky people will get the chance to be featured in the very first FYR™ Calendar. All profits, of which, will go to support a worthy charity. How about it? Love yourself a little differently and help feed the hungry? I can’t wait to stand by all you healthy bathing beauties at the event. To purchase your copies of the FYR™ eBooks just look to the right side of this blog and click 'Add to cart' and your e-books can be downloaded in seconds.
May I solicit your help in choosing the best swimsuit for me? Anyway, as you all know I just had my second child 6 months ago, and here's how I look now after the FYR™ program:
V is for VICTORY! |
okay here are a few of some of the swimsuits I've been checking out, I will number them so anyone who'd like to leave a comment can tell me which is their favorite. If I could buy them all I would :)
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I like them all, but I have to choose at least three or four Hmmmmmm, the search is on. Join me, it's not too late to get to your goal before or by summertime.
Remember to drink and eat to your health, you'll thank me later!