"Forever Young, I Want to Live Forever Young..."
Like so many people, I have been confused for so many years about health. I had too many questions that had several different answers hence my yo-yo dieting effect. Some people said eat a lot of meat, others stay away from carbohydrates, others said eat nothing at all, well for someone who enjoys food the last one never seemed to work for me and even if I tried it I'd end up overindulging, sound familiar?
Well, I am here to tell you what works for me and has been working for many others who finally found the secret to good health. It is called “The Forever Young Revolution” or FYR to be short. It does not involve any pills, diets or magic. It is simply something that most of us used to do or have seen our parents do.
It is based on a very simple principle which I call the life principle. It states; life to live. Let me go a little further to explain this. We need life in order to live, without life we die. For our bodies to live and thrive, we must give it life, life foods.
Are you tired of counting calories?
Tired of portion control?
Tried all the diet and weight loss pills in vain?
Do you have a close relationship with your scale?
Feeling ten years older because of stress?
Tired of waking up exhausted and dragging yourself throughout the day?
Have you ever burped and smelled the scent of yesterday's meal?
Is bloating a problem for you?
How long have you been battling acne?
Tired of starving yourself and then enjoying the snack underneath your pillow before bedtime?
Have you ever burped and smelled the scent of yesterday's meal?
Is bloating a problem for you?
How long have you been battling acne?
Tired of starving yourself and then enjoying the snack underneath your pillow before bedtime?
How often do you smile and know that it comes from a good place inside of you and you do not want to stop?
Do you love what you see in the mirror?
Ever wish you could try a different lifestyle?
Do you want to Love your self a little differently?
Then join the revolution!!!
Like so many people, I have been confused for so many years about health. I had too many questions that had several different answers hence my yo-yo dieting effect. Some people said eat a lot of meat, others stay away from carbohydrates, others said eat nothing at all, well for someone who enjoys food the last one never seemed to work for me and even if I tried it I'd end up overindulging, sound familiar?
Well, I am here to tell you what works for me and has been working for many others who finally found the secret to good health. It is called “The Forever Young Revolution” or FYR to be short. It does not involve any pills, diets or magic. It is simply something that most of us used to do or have seen our parents do.
It is based on a very simple principle which I call the life principle. It states; life to live. Let me go a little further to explain this. We need life in order to live, without life we die. For our bodies to live and thrive, we must give it life, life foods.
FYR is a lifestyle.
What are some of your unanswered health and fitness questions?We will love to share them and you will find solutions that will blow mind. The answers have been around you all this time, yes it is very close to you.Now its time to reach out and grab it.
You will hear unedited testimonies from the those who have dared to love themselves differently and what FYR is doing to thier lives and rebuilding broken relationships.
Welcome to the "I just Love myself a little differently" Lifestyle!