1cup of pineapple
1 1/2 banana
3 strawberries
2 cups of soy or almond milk
2 Tbsp of flax seed
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
This recipe came about because i had some left over pineapple and didn't know what to do with it and I didn't want to eat the pineapple by itself. I was scared that a mixture of pineapple with soy milk might be yucky but it was actually yummy to the tommy lol. So there you go, have some for breakfast and enjoy.
Once in a while I let Nina indulge so this morning I made her some pancakes, with sliced strawberries, some chocolate syrup and lots of whipp cream, she loved it! eventhough she turned and said to me "Mommy, I feel like I'm eating unhealthy." hahahahahahaha she is too much. I told it was okay on occassion.
The ressurection of FYR is back so get ready, you don't have to wait for the New Year to begin, if you can make it civilized (lol) through the Holidays then you can make it anytime, so be strong and remember to eat and drink to your health, you will thank me later!!!