Would you on any day catch yourself sitting at your table with ten teaspoons of sugar ready to eat it all? Well, that's what you do when you drink a can of soda.
Did you know that coca-cola is the biggest buyer of sugar in the world? Have you ever wondered why they would need so much sugar? well it is to mask the acidity in the drink. 10 teaspoons of sugar! that amout of sugar is enough to shut down your immune system for 24 hours. Plus I wonder what can be so strong as to erode your tooth enamel, well the sugar and acids in sodas does. What do you think causes osteoporosis? Did you know that sugar from one soft drink is able to damage the white blood cells' ability to ingest and kill gonococcal bacteria for seven hours? That just one liter of aspartame-sweetened beverage can produce about fifty-six milligrams of methanol? When many of these drinks are are consumed in say, one day, as much as two hundred- fifty milligrams of methanol are dumped into the bloodstream and this throws off the eletrical system of the brain. Saccharin in these products have also shown a high carcinogenic effect especially in female reproductive organs, this is as little as two bottles of diet pops per day. I also know that cops sometimes use coke to clean blood off the street after an auto accident and sometimes use it to replace the acid in thier dead car batteries. Plus many countries in Asia use coke and it's products as pesticides on thier large farms. They actually spray it from helicopters and guess what? it works! So what are you really drinking? All this hype of if you drink a coke you are helping some fund which is providing for some third world country is a whole lot of junk. You can't kill one human being in order to save another. They might as well put a coffin in their commercials, yes you may think that's extreme talk but I ask you and challenge you to do the research before you drink your next soda.
I have often wondered why in a country that has so much food, why more and more peole are getting sicker and sicker. In developing countries it is due to the lack of food (malnutrition) and good health care facilities but here, there are more sick children, in short I think it is safe to say all Americans, including me, are sick in some way. All the years of ignorance and feeding the body with life threatening foods cannot be altered in one day but we can slowly get there by starting now. As they say "Better late than never". We can start a revolution! we can choose to be the examples for our children and neighbours. We can say no to GMO foods(genetically modified foods). Foods that keep us enslaved to prescription drugs, foods than cripple us of our dignity, foods that KILL us.
The first basic human right is the right to live and live a healthy life. Things might be tight financially for you but is it better to start eating right right now or save that money for mediacl use down the years. Think, use your brain, do research, love yourelf, love yourself a little differently as the FYR slogan says. Start a forver young revolution right in your own kitchen, in your backyard, in your churches. What are you waiting for?