She is 50 years old, five grown children aged 30, 25, 24, 22 and 17 and she is ready to make a change that I definitely admire. Today was supposed to be the third and last day of my Mom's thorough 3-day detox after which she can start to eat solids (vegan
of course) but she announced to me yesterday that she would like to continue till Saturday. She says she feels so light, that she feels like she is gliding above the ground and she loves what the detox is doing for her . Since she's been at my house for a little over a week, she's been faring well with our raw/vegan lifestyle. I look at her and one would think she has lived a pampered life but that couldn't be more far from the truth, yet she has the determined spirit to do whatever is good for her. Tomorrow, we do the first week record progress and I am happy to know how much weight (toxins) have been washed out of her body.
Last night we had family over and Rick made a delicious, 3-hour preparation, vegan
paneer masala (an
Indian dish) and the scent would have driven anyone crazy but my Mom didn't budge and even when Rick asked her to taste the sauce she refused. She reminds me of me,
lol, when i decide to do something, I don't back down because it usually starts an endless cycle of self-disappointment. I am very proud of her. As you can tell from the picture above, she is looking fabulous and I can tell she is shrinking,
lol. She understands that it is not about losing weight but being healthy, truly healthy, weight loss is a by-product, a bonus and it feels just great!
There are somethings that when you do in life can completely change all other aspects of your life. When you do something you thought was previously impossible, you start to have such confidence in yourself and you know in your heart of hearts that you are stronger than you thought you were and that there is
absolutely nothing that you can't do once you decide to do it. I hope we
can all make that change as this new year comes along. Let this day be the
beginning of the best years of your life. Decide today to accept the challenge and do something great for your health. The government and FDA don't care and love you as much as you love yourself. Treat yourself like the precious person you are and feed yourself the best foods there is; go back to the basics and feed life into your life, Go green!
My Double-decker raw pie
This is the best pie I have made yet. My mom was amazed that I made it in less than 10 minutes. Raw pies and deserts are the easiest foods to prepare and to eat this guilty-free nutritious-deliciousness is just heaven (aunt Cathy we are so making this one in MA). You could fool your SAD friends and family with this. OOOOOOOOOOoooooh so YummmmmmmY! lol Goodbye for now and tata.