Are we ready for Halloween? My daughter wants to be an African princess and Tinkerbell this year, so we are going to make this happen! I'd like to be an Angel but can't find my size, all the angel outfits start at sizes 12-14 grrrr! Anyway, we'll see. I will post up some pictures and tell you how it goes.
I went out for a 20 minutes jog today and then did about 30 minutes of taebo; I felt up to it today so I indulged in some great aerobics. My breakfast was a delicious green smoothie which was very simple to make; 2 bananas, 2 ripe pears and 5 stalks of kale (My kale-panana, remember?). I added just 1.5 cups of water today to make it a little thicker, and this is by far my favorite smoothie.
For lunch I had Nina's creation, she calls it a Salad-ballad because all the ingredients are dancing together, talk about a genius for a kid! Here's the recipe:
Nina's Salad-ballad
2 cups of mixed baby spring veggies
1 cucumber, diced
1/2 green bell pepper, diced
1 cup cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1 cup alfalfa sprouts
1 avocado diced
1/4 cup pine nuts
2 tbsp sesame seeds
juice of one lemon
sprinkle of ground yellow mustard
sprinkle of ground black pepper
1 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup of raisins, soaked and diced
This was extremely mouth-watering Nina! Thanks! Plus today she made her own homemade grape-lemonade. She has them right now in the freezer in the Popsicle cups. Brilliant idea. When I asked her what she used for sweetener she said "Stevia of course, mama." I will make sure I take photographs of her grape-lemonade.