We live in a country where food seduction is in competition with marriage. Over 51% of marriages end up in divorce and over 50% of America’s food is highly processed. So which one is stimulating our pleasure centers in the brain more? I think we all know the answer. I was watching a certain commercial yesterday where a company was advertising their ‘Good Mood Food’ and I leaned forward to see what would give such a happy smile on someone’s face and it was interesting to see that it was a sandwich packed with some kind of animal flesh, cheese, and extra grease. I thought oh boy, is there anyone out there who really believes this? It was being advertised as a serving for one person whereas three people could actually eat that and be full.
With so many different ingredients being packed into food to make it addictive, is it any wonder why we can’t seem to stop eating? The reasons why these additives have been added are numerous, some of which are to add flavor and color to a food item that has been totally depleted and robbed of its nutrients.
I can safely say I have been addicted and have fallen for the sweet seduction of such foods twice in my life. The first time it was condensed milk and crackers. I used to rush to the store to buy a big container of condensed milk and crackers and would finish it in less than an hour. I used to feel so sick after that but do you think that stopped me? Another time I got fixated on captain crunch cereal, a box a day was my addiction. It sickens me to remember how horrible I felt afterwards but somehow I could not stop until I decided to ask myself one day why I still felt so ‘Horrible’ inside if all these foods were supposed to make me happy. I was putting myself on a periodic sugar high; I would be happy while eating the food and then sad a few hours later. Thank goodness I got the courage to stop misusing and abusing my body.
Here are a few ways to stop unhealthy food addiction:
Do a periodic fast or detox: (I recommend the FYR 21-day detox found in the eBook on sale on this site). Somehow after a detox your body starts to crave only good and healthy foods, almost as if it knows what it wants and is begging you to stay the course. The moment you stray and start eating unhealthy again imagine that yucky feeling is your body asking you “Why? why are you doing this to me? Don’t I take good care of you? why don’t you take better care of me?”
My 7 year old took this picture of me this morning. I like to exercise when my 6 month old and my husband are still sleeping but Ms. Nina always seems to catch me just right when I'm about to begin. She likes to work out with me. If not, I usually have the whole house to myself. I call it 'Mommy's quiet/power' hour. |
Exercise: I love exercising; it is a healthy addiction because it releases the real ‘Feel good’ hormones and keeps you on your toes all day. When you exercise you are more conscious of what you put in your mouth.
Eat your fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds and nuts: Go back to the basics. These foods would keep your blood sugars from spiking all over the place and keep you from being moody throughout the day. You don’t want to drive anyone crazy, would you? J would you?
Sleep: I don’t think I will ever have a television in my room and definitely not in my children’s room either. It is safer for me to keep it in the living room. A restful sleep is a powerful addiction breaker.
Start your day with a great breakfast, fruits are ideal and in any form: I love green smoothies. It is so much fun and definitely a great-mood-drink.
Have a support system: If you don’t have people who support what you’re doing it can be very challenging. Make your decision and go for it, don’t let anyone talk you out of it. It may come from a sincere place but at the end of the day it is you alone who knows how you feel inside and your health is in no one’s hands but your own.
Drink lots of water: I always start my morning with a big glass of water. Sometimes when you think you are hungry, all you may need is a glass of water to quench your thirst or dehydration. Drink up!
When I juice carrots I love to do my carrot soups then and since I am a lazy cook, raw food usually suits me well especially with something like the carrot soup where you just pour-all-in-and-blend. If you want to warm it after that it's all up to you but here are the simple ingredients:
My Liquid Gold |
2 cups fresh carrot juice
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 soy or almond milk
2 Tbsp agave
Juice of 1/2 a lemon or 1 lime
2 Tbsp coconut oil
1/4 cup almond mill or ground cashews (to thicken it up)
salt and pepper to taste
A dash of curry
Blend all together and serve. YUMMY-GOLDILICIOUS.
Drink and eat to your health, you'll thank me later!