Last weekend I celebrated my 32nd birthday, my actual birthday was march 1st but my aunt, Monica, organized one for me and my cousin, Dora. Should I just warn you that I was spoiled rotten? Well, there, you have been warned...I will let the pictures speak for themselves...
A choconana-appricot cake I made for Dora, YUMMY |
Aunty Monica, our gracious hostess |
Dora and aunty Monica |
The buffet table |
Ms. Sharon Arrey and I |
Me in my little black dress I got from Dora |
Ice cream cake |
Me and baby Ricky( in the background) |
The other birthday girl, Dora |
My 6 month old Chubb-chub and I |
Ricky and aunty Flo |
Ricky and aunty Flo |
My Nina, me, Tresor and Dora |
Cutting the cake |
Okay, so you see it was a big deal. Had so much fun. I can't thank aunty Monica, Dora, Adel and David enough. I did try a little bit of almost everything. I was very conscious of what went into my mouth though. I had more vegetables than anyone else I think. It was well worth it as it acted as a great laxative for me the next day (sorry, but just had to add that). When I got up the morning after and felt flu-ish, I knew exactly why: it was the ice cream cake! My body knows exactly what it wants; dairy and I don't get along too well. So for the next three days I did a little cleanse, carrot juice fast, and I was back to myself again.
The reason I brought that up is to point out that if you treat your body well, it will actually 'talk' back to you and let you know if it agrees with the things you eat or not. I absolutely love the FYR lifestyle and I hope you decide to join the ride. Several people are taking the FYR 90-Day Superstar Challenge and I can't wait to start getting the success stories. In April, I have a handful of people starting as well, so if you have been waiting here's your chance. Summer is still several months away for all those who want to join the swimsuit challenge.
In the coming weeks FYR will be announcing its first Male Spokesperson. I hope you follow us (click on 'follow') to stay updated. On our next post we'll be talking about sources of Iron and eating red meat won't be one of them.
I will leave you with a great little recipe to help boost your immune system and help fight against cancer. The secret is an ingredient called lycopene found in tomatoes which helps to prevent blood lymphocytes from damage. I love tomatoes, especially raw, you can eat it in your salads or juice them, you can also add it to your smoothies. Fresh organic tomatoes are ideal. So if you're one of those people who won't try anything new, just think of the benefits of this great drink. I hope that's enough for you to try yourself a little differently, it might as well begin with a glass of tomato juice.
Tomato Juice |
2 big ripe tomatoes
1/4 cup chopped celery
1 tsp cayenne pepper ( I love cayenne, the more the better)
1 tsp turmeric
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp agave nectar (optional)
Juice the celery and tomato in a juicer. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir. YUMMY-DELICIOUSO-Tritious :)