Showing posts with label living food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label living food. Show all posts

Friday, February 25, 2011


Some days all you think of is food, hopefully good food right? here are a few to feast your eyes on :)

















HUNGRY YET? YOU CAN FIND SOME OF THESE RECIPES IN BOTH eBOOKS FOR SALE ON THIS SITE....Drink and eat to your health, you'll thank me later!





Friday, February 11, 2011


Why is it so hard for us to adopt a healthy way of living? why is it hard for someone to buy a book on healthy living but very easy for that same person to spend a whole lot of money on a plate of unhealthy food at a restaurant? or at a clothing store? Bad habits are hard to break. There is no other way for one to start eating healthy than to make a decision to start doing so. We usually wait till it's very late; a death in the family, a scary diagnosis etc. You can start eating healthier today, all that is stopping you is an EXCUSE. We spend so much money to dress the outside of our bodies yet very little attention on 'dressing' the inside. 

I love seeing all the celebrities who are RAW fooders or Vegan or both. My favorite of late is Demi Moore, okay she may be married to someone way younger than she is but one can hardly tell the difference. She is almost 50, yet she can compete with any 20 year old! She actually has grown younger over the years and I know why? you guessed right, it is all about what she eats. 
Growing younger gracefully

Another favorite of mine is Prince: Does he look like a man a day over 50? I love Prince, and totally in love with his music. He is a genius and yes, it's about all he eats. He grows younger everyday and even has a song about being vegan, quite interesting I must say :)
Beautiful Prince
The list continues with Sting, Woody Harrelson, Alicia Silverstone, Natalie Portman, Uma Thurman, Lisa Bonet, David bowie, Tobey Maguire aka Spiderman, Casey Affleck, Liv Tyler, Jason Mraz, Lea Michelle of Glee(the TV series), Erykah Badu, Zooey Deschanel, Emily Deschanel of Bones (the TV series), Ellen DeGeneres, Portia de Rossi, Andre 300 (of the group Outcast), Richard Gere (no wonder he is looking so young and handsome still), Kim Basinger (is it any wonder?), and the list goes on and on.

Okay, so you don't want to or have to be 100% RAW or Vegan, but how about adding more fruits and veggies into your diet everyday? That's a start, right? Yesterday I got so many beautiful compliments on a photo of me I put up on my facebook page:

Here's what someone sent me in a private message: "You look absolutely ADORABLE in your profile pic! My, my, my. You look like you are your own child! haha. You look no older than 13 in this picture. I'm not kidding or flattering! I'm being really honest."

of course I was totally flattered! Made me realize that what I am doing is good. I remember looking way older than my 31 years when I used to  eat an unhealthy diet. Thanks 'Anonymous' for that lovely compliment. Here are my two ways to starting a healthy lifestyle:

CLEANSING: I could write a book about this topic, oh wait! I already did! The FYR Lifestyle e-book is available for you to buy at the top right hand side of this site. Anyone who has ever done any kind of cleanse will tell you how much more wonderful they felt and looked after the cleanse. Our bodies are like a drainage pipe, they get backed up and we must constantly clean it up so it can function properly. Buy your copy of the FYR lifestyle ebook and the 90-day companion ebook and download in minutes. 

DISTILLED WATER: We bathe ourselves everyday so we don't smell, what about bathing your inner self, your body and your cells? We are made up of over 70% of water and our cells need to be clean in order to be healthy, so drink up!

Love yourself a little differently this year, don't wait till it's too late!

Remember to eat and drink to your health, you'll thank me later!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Santa will be a vegan this year...

Has the jolly guy been to your house yet? He has been to mine and there is only one popular person's name under that tree, lol. Well anyway, Nina came up to me a couple of weeks ago and said "Mommy, Santa will be a vegan this year!", "He's going to have to eat like us." and I thought, hmm, that would be a great title for my blog at Christmas time. Santa has been getting fatter or should I say hasn't lost a pound since we first saw him. Could it be that we are giving him a heart attack with all our cookies and cow's milk in every house? lol Well I think he would appreciate our house more this Christmas, to show him we love him not only for our fancy gifts *wink* we are also feeding him with heart-healthy vegan treats. I will make him my favorite raw pie from my own recipe this year and a tall glass of almond mylk (Alexa spells it this way, I like it). How is that for a change huh? SANTA WILL BE A VEGAN THIS YEAR...IN MY HOUSE, how about yours?
We went to Stone Mountain the other day and although it was freezing cold, we did enjoy the beautifully lit houses, trees and cabins. My mom couldn't help but wonder how much the light bill would cost, lol. Only someone who doesn't take things for granted will think like that. When you are from a place where every little bit is appreciated, your view of certain things change. I didn't even think of that until she voiced it and I'm glad she did. My best Christmas ever will be the Christmas where me and a few others save enough money to build at least 2 wells in a village somewhere where people don't even have the luxury of having clean drinking water. We can do that next year, so if you want to join me do send me an email. I have done the research already for groups and missions who can help us fulfill this dream. Just imagine giving the gift of life to not only one person but a whole community. Things like that change the course of someone's life. And even if I have to do it alone, by next Christmas I would like to have saved enough to help build a well somewhere for people who need it. Nina has already joined me in this so we are two in this for now but we hope it grows and we can start a movement. I am so proud of her for since we talked about this project she has already saved up $7 dollars, seven precious dollars that tug at my heart, seven precious dollars that can change not one but several people's lives...

Here's Nina and her sister Savi after Sunday school. They made angels that day and colored a birthday cake for Jesus.
This is the pie that Santa is going to feast on. Hmm, how great does this look?



The biggest order I have had for my special pie. It felt great to see people eat it and lick their fingers and go "Hmm, this is sooooo good, and you say it has no animal products in it? and it's raw?" I am coming up with more great recipes for I now know that if people have the option to eat or give their loved ones a healthier choice, most of them would do it in a heartbeat. The thing is, most people (like me in the past) don't know there are choices out there like these. We need more raw food activist and more vegan activists as well.
Anyway I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a FANTASTIC New Year. May all your dreams come true and may this year be the best year ever for each and every one of you. God bless! I will be back after Christmas to share all the goodies.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Food Inc.

Good morning FYR folks, lol. I hope you had a great and perfect day yesterday like me but if you didn't why not try to make this day the one? I woke up this morning very refreshed and well rested and decided to start my day with my FANTASTIC, GREEN, SLUSHY-NUTRITIOUS ELIXIR. This consists of

1 tbsp organic barley max
2 ripe bananas
2 ripe, golden pears
2 tsp coconut oil
12 oz water

I later juiced some fennel/apple/celery and, mm great! Not everyone at home (except for Rick, likes it so it's more for me.)

If there is one movie anyone should watch going into the new year, let it be 'FOOD INC.' I can't imagine anyone still eating animal flesh, or at the very least reducing their intake of animal protein, after this very important movie but to each his/her own, right? At least do yourself a favor and know how your meat is fed, raised/handled and packaged. Some people choose to live in ignorance but I choose to know and then make a choice after the facts. If you have netflix service you can rent it or watch it on your computer or TV.

I wish more people were as passionate about this planet and what they eat as they are with every other thing aspect of their lives. More passionate people means better communities, changes in laws, less sick people and a better environment for our children and those who will come after us someday. More passionate people means more organic foods and less processed foods, it mean lower rates of cancers and every other disease that plagues our society. More passionate people means more voices that are heard, more determined and decisive people who can make a change and start a revolution. More passionate people means less ignorance about what we choose to feed ourselves and our families, more passionate people means more happy people, more happy and healthy children, more happy and healthy children who can pass it on.....does anyone care to join? does anyone hear the cries? does anyone care to make a difference starting with themselves and their households and then to the communities and eventually to the world/planet.

Those who fought and dedicated their lives to preventive medicine have been ridiculed, bashed and forgotten. The selfless ones are the ones who are called tyrants and pushed away. So today I dedicate this blog to a few of my heroes and heroines:

Dr. Max Gerson (for his relentless efforts and commitments towards eradicating cancer--which he countless cases. You can purchase The Gerson Therapy at any local book store and online)
Dr. John R. Christoper: Herbal Legacy
Dr. Ann Wigmore: For her amazing discovery of the benefits of juicing wheat grass and more.
T. Colin Campbell (For his amazing contribution to nutrition and health. Read The China Study)
Victorai Boutenko: Green For Life

My gosh this list will never end if I continue but these are my heroes because they dedicated their lives to serving others in the most basic ways we often forget; food. We can become, pilots, doctors, teacher, farmers but we must all eat to live. We must all eat the right foods to have a full life that not only enriches us but everyone in our community. I thank God everyday that I was open enough to learn these truths and willing enough to incorporate it in my life and my loved ones and also to have this forum where those who seek can be inspired to open their ears, hearts and minds to dare something new. I applaud all of you who seek, the truth is right in front of you, reach out and grab it for yourself. It is your birthright!

"When the Student Is Ready, the Teacher Will Come." Are you ready?


Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear Banana...

My Famous Mouth-Watering Raw/Vegan Pie
"Dear Banana,

Let me just start out by saying I can't live without you. You are the sweetest fruit I have ever tasted. You shine like the sun and wear your polka brown dots when ready for me. You are the perfect one, providing me with tons of B6, Vitamin C and Potassium. You are my ideal; economically, nutritionally and in deliciousness. You have all the essential amino acids and up to 5.2 % protein by weight, putting you way above dates, figs, grapes, melons and oranges. My doctor once told me "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away." but now I know better, even apples don't come close to you being that they have only 0.2% protein by dry weight.
You are available to me all year round, something a girl sure appreciates *thanks* for I don't fare well with unavailability. Thanks you for being the sweet one I can always count on.



UPDATE: As of last week Tuesday, my mom has lost 8 pounds on the FYR lifestyle. Can you tell from how her face glows that she is very satisfied? We haven't reached our gaol yet so we keep on going. Great job, Mama!

Mom's green smoothie:

1 head of lettuce
2 ripe bananas
1 cup red seedless grapes
2 Tbsp of flax powder
2 tsp of coconut oil
1-1.5 cups of water

Aunty Flo's Apple/cantaloupe juice tasted really great. Instead of throwing away the pulp I always try to use it to make something else, so with this, I made some homemade apple sauce for Nina, needless to say it didn't last very long in the fridge. Apple sauce is one of her favorite snacks.


Yesterday I got orders for my first two raw pies. The pie above (my on-the-spot-ten-minute-creation) has been causing a huge stir. On first bite, I got two orders from two different people...this is just so much fun, I can't stop smiling. Nina's piano teacher has also been spreading the word around about my famous pie "You should enter it into a contest or better yet sell it to a restaurant as a healthy desert option." is what he said to me. Wao! didn't know I'd be getting that much buzz for a less than 15 minute creation--created with lots of love every time :-)
If you'd like to order some let me know what size (my standard is a 9' pie) and when. Send request to my email address provided.

Have a blessed day.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


She is 50 years old, five grown children aged 30, 25, 24, 22 and 17 and she is ready to make a change that I definitely admire. Today was supposed to be the third and last day of my Mom's thorough 3-day detox after which she can start to eat solids (vegan of course) but she announced to me yesterday that she would like to continue till Saturday. She says she feels so light, that she feels like she is gliding above the ground and she loves what the detox is doing for her . Since she's been at my house for a little over a week, she's been faring well with our raw/vegan lifestyle. I look at her and one would think she has lived a pampered life but that couldn't be more far from the truth, yet she has the determined spirit to do whatever is good for her. Tomorrow, we do the first week record progress and I am happy to know how much weight (toxins) have been washed out of her body.

Last night we had family over and Rick made a delicious, 3-hour preparation, vegan paneer masala (an Indian dish) and the scent would have driven anyone crazy but my Mom didn't budge and even when Rick asked her to taste the sauce she refused. She reminds me of me, lol, when i decide to do something, I don't back down because it usually starts an endless cycle of self-disappointment. I am very proud of her. As you can tell from the picture above, she is looking fabulous and I can tell she is shrinking, lol. She understands that it is not about losing weight but being healthy, truly healthy, weight loss is a by-product, a bonus and it feels just great!

There are somethings that when you do in life can completely change all other aspects of your life. When you do something you thought was previously impossible, you start to have such confidence in yourself and you know in your heart of hearts that you are stronger than you thought you were and that there is absolutely nothing that you can't do once you decide to do it. I hope we can all make that change as this new year comes along. Let this day be the beginning of the best years of your life. Decide today to accept the challenge and do something great for your health. The government and FDA don't care and love you as much as you love yourself. Treat yourself like the precious person you are and feed yourself the best foods there is; go back to the basics and feed life into your life, Go green!

My Double-decker raw pie
This is the best pie I have made yet. My mom was amazed that I made it in less than 10 minutes. Raw pies and deserts are the easiest foods to prepare and to eat this guilty-free nutritious-deliciousness is just heaven (aunt Cathy we are so making this one in MA). You could fool your SAD friends and family with this. OOOOOOOOOOoooooh so YummmmmmmY! lol
Goodbye for now and tata.

Monday, December 7, 2009

My Five Reasons

A few weeks ago, ok I guess its months now Bernice challenged me to write about Sugar after I gave her a long lecture on why not to eat it. I guess lecturing is easy actually writing it down so it does not sound like a moan has been proving pretty hard for me. There are hundreds of reasons why sugar is bad for you and I could go on about it all day but I thought if someone really wants to change thier life then five should be enough to stimmulate the process of change. Ok so here it goes:

Sugar is a drug. It is one of the most addictive substances out there. You may not realise it but just a small ammount has you craving for more. Just like alcohol and tobacco your body craves the rush it gets from sugar. If you regularly eat sweet stuff and this includes lots of fruit (yes excessive fruit sugar also has its downside) you are probably an addict. Just try not eating anything sweet at all for two days and see how your body react. Just like with drugs alot of people get the shakes, feeling slightly weak, nausea, fatigue etc. I know I am an addict. I often say just this once or I don't eat that much sugar and before I know it every meal I eat has some thing a little sweet in it or after it.

More people die from sugar related deaseases every year than anything else. I studied diabetes in University and my proffessor likened being sick with diabetes to having HIV. Ok you cannot spread diabetes through bodily fluids but the outcome is very similar. Chances are you will die from a diabetes related deasease. My Grandfather died from diabetes related illnesses (stroke + cancer). My greatgrandmother also died from diabetes related illnesses and for about 15 years before she died she was blind and had both legs amputated due to diabetes. It will wear you down mentally and physically and eventually weaken your immune system to other diseas. Sugar related illnesses include diabetes, ulcers, strokes, heart attack, yeast infections, high cholesterol. Why would you want to have any of those?

Parasites in your body thrive on sugar. What happens to your teeth when you eat too much sugar also happens inside your body, the only difference is that you usually cannot see past your throat so you often don't even know what is happenening. The way your teeth rot is the same way your insides rot. Parasites need sugar and the acid produced from the digestion of sugar to live. These organisms in turn produce more acid and secrete hormones which mimic the bodies sugar craving hormones. So sometimes it is not you craving sugar, it is the stuff living inside you. Have you ever noticed that people who eat alot of green and hardly any sugar do not get ill very often? This is because, even if they come in contact with them, parasites cannot survive inside the hosts body as there is is nothing feeding them. So especially with it being colder this time of year why not avoid getting sick with the flu 3-4 times by simply cutting out sugar and eating more green foods.

Sugar is like a thief in the night. It robs your body of calcium and magnesium. An important companent of teeth and bones. To digest sugar you need calcium and magnesium. Most refined sugar however has been stripped of these minerals during processing. When its time for digestion your body goes looking somewhere else for these minerals to help it out. The most common place to get this from is your bones and teeth. If you are not replacing all this lost calcium and magnesium by eating plenty of green leafy vegetables your bones will eventually become brittle and oesteporosis sets in.

Finally I know the dangers of the overconsumtion of sugar and I am doing my best to provide a good example for my son. I don't want to preach one thing to him and do another. I try to lead by example which isn't always easy but I do sleep better at night knowing that he is growing dense strong bones rather than hollow brittle ones. It will be more difficult saying no to him once he knows the taste of sweetness. So far no he does not know what refined sugar tastes like. We tend to have a piece of fruit in the morning but our other two meals are packed full of green leafy vegetables, pulses and some root vegetables. His favourite meals are Okra (full of calcium) and seaweed rice soup. I would rather he had these two in his meal plan every day than having a cookie once a week.

Cutting out sugar alone is just one part of the process in reclaiming your health. But it is a pretty big part and I promise you will notice the difference.

I hope this has made you curious to find out more.

For more information on why not to eat sugar read:

The PH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health By Robert O. Young

Or just google the dangers of sugar.


Dare to be a Daniel

Sing it!

"Dare to be a Daniel;
Dare to stand alone;
Dare to have a purpose clear;
Dare to make it known."

Do you remember that refrain? I do. I decided to be a Daniel, to stand alone from the pack, to have a clear purpose of what I want and where I'm going and I--as my friend Anze would say--obnoxiously make my purpose known whenever I can. I am not afraid of change because change is constant and beautiful, change is a challenge I welcome because it pushes me to be better than I was the day before. Are you a Daniel? can you set yourself apart?, do you want to claim your birthright of living a healthful, dis-ease-free life? Are you letting those around you know what you want, are you seeking the help you need and the support from those who can give you? DARE TO BE A DANIEL...STArT. NOW. did you notice the hints on this line?

Super Carrot Juice, freshly made.
I am super proud of my mom. She has accepted not only the changes in diet but she is now doing my thorough three-day cleanse. My aunt also joined my mom and I have been juicing carrots for two days straight. It is fun and fulfilling to help others and watch their eyes sparkle when they do the things they thought they could never attempt. My daughter said to me "Mummy, you are changing people's lives" and that statement alone made my entire year of 2009. You have not been a blessing until you've touched other people's lives; I learned that from the greatest woman I know--my mother, someday you will read or watch the story of her life. I can't wait to do a second weighing and record her amazing progress. Yesterday, for the first time, my mother didn't use her asthma spray at all! The excitement in her voice was contagious and I silently thanked God. We have been given everything we need to be healthy; fruits, vegetables and nuts.
Ever wonder why the squirrel is so active and full of energy? I bet it is because he is on his natural diet. The only reason we are sick or become sick is because we stray away from the basics of fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts and prescription medications just mask the symptoms and we think we are cured or healed but the moment you stop taking them, your symptoms reemerge...medications worsen the conditions of the body, it stops the body from healing naturally and forces it to instead use up energy to clean out the new toxins which we think are miracle cures.
Rick, and my little angel, Nina, making some carrot soup for my mom.

A gallon of fresh carrot juice made with lots of love
Have you ever seen such a beautiful color? carrots, well, organic carrots have such a rich orange color. The carrot gets its characteristic and bright orange colour from β-carotene, which is metabolised into vitamin A in humans when bile salts are present in the intestines.[3] Massive over consumption of carrots can cause carotenosis, a benign condition in which the skin turns orange. Carrots are also rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants, and minerals.

Lack of Vitamin A can cause poor vision, including night vision, and vision can be restored by adding Vitamin A back into the diet.

Nutritional Value of carrots per 1009 or 3.5oz

Carbohydrates 9 g
Sugars 5 g
Dietary fibre 3 g
Fat 0.2 g
Protein 1 g
Vitamin A equiv. 835 μg (93%)
- beta-carotene 8285 μg (77%)
Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.04 mg (3%)
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.05 mg (3%)
Niacin (Vit. B3) 1.2 mg (8%)
Vitamin B6 0.1 mg (8%)
Vitamin C 7 mg (12%)
Calcium 33 mg (3%)
Iron 0.66 mg (5%)
Magnesium 18 mg (5%
Phosphorus 35 mg (5%)
Potassium 240 mg (5%)
Sodium 2.4 mg (0%)
Info from wikipedia

25 pound bag of organic carrots


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let Your Food Be Your Medicine...

"Let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food"
If we all lived by this rule, there would be less of us with life threatening diseases. Above is a photo of one side of my kitchen cabinet. Overtime, I have bought a variety of nuts and seeds and spices. Variety keeps you from getting bored and falling off the healthy wagon and we don't want that do we? There are many spices that are very healing and we will discuss a few of them here and now--you may have some already and don't know what they are good for:

Allspice: This tropical herb has a complex aroma and is useful for indigestion.

Cardamom: An expensive spice, cardamom can be a mild stimulant.

Cinnamon: This common, tasty spice has potent antimicrobial action and can settle an upset stomach.

Cloves: Cloves have proven pain-relieving and antiseptic properties.

Garlic: Deservedly called Russian penicillin, this pungent bulb in useful in preventing our major killers - heart disease and cancer.

Ginger: The world's best nausea preventative, ginger is also useful in treating arthritis.

Red pepper: This native American spice works on pain by three different mechanisms.

Sesame: The seeds of this plant are a great source of antioxidants and other therapeutic chemicals.

Turmeric: This yellow spice shows great promise in treating arthritis and diabetes.

I especially love cayenne pepper here is a link to find out more about the healing properties of cayenne:
Apples and Almonnaise dip

Bragg Health Vinaigrette Dressing

½ cup organic Apple Cider Vinegar
1/3 cup olive oil
½-1 tsp Bragg Liquid Aminos
1-2 tsps raw honey or Agave
1-2 cloves crushed garlic
Seasonings to taste - salt, pepper,
Blend all together and enjoy.

Greatness is born in the moment of Decision: Decide to exercise
This morning we went out jogging and Nina was very supportive of her grandma, it was beautiful to watch them. It was a bit chilly but we didn't let the weather deter us, just grabbed some sweaters and off we went. Exercise is the best thing you can do for your body first thing in the morning because it gets your metabolism going, gets you energized and sustains you staying on a healthier path all day because you feel great after exercising. So, don't push it off, find a partner so you can push each other, that usually works.

Mom and I out for a morning jog: Photo by Nina Lakota

I have quite a number of people I am working with right now and they are all excited. I guess seeing that my mom just came from Cameroon and jumped into the FYR detox makes them get off their butts and do something. I am glad she is an inspiration and glad that they are taking the steps to having a healthier life. Next year's blog will have many FYR success stories. I hope you will be a part of it.