The whole idea of cow's milk is just a way for those who've invested in the business to make huge profits. If you were asked to go to a barn and suckle on the udder of a cow would you? why then do we drink cow's milk? because it has been conveniently packaged for us in a container? Do you know that cows are naturally not made to produce milk in such large quantities? They have just enough for their young. What are they given to speed up this process? well, hormones I would think. This causes enlargement and inflammation of their breast tissues and for those of us who have studied biology this can be a very painful process. And what happens when an area is inflamed? Pus begins to accumulate. What is pus? Pus consists of a thin, protein-rich fluid, known as liquor puris, and dead cells, which are part of the body's innate immune response. Pus travels to the intercellular spaces around the affected areas; the cow's udders. Yes and you may be saying, don't they pasturize these things? pasturization not only kills the bacteria in it, it also destroys all the nutrients in the food. So when next you go to buy milk or when you're handing a glass of cow's milk to your child, remember that they may just be ingesting pus for breakfast. This goes for cow milk and all its products including cheese, well that's another topic. We will talk about cheese on another day.