Sunday, May 30, 2021

What's Up B*tches!

It's been a long time since I graced this blog. Six years, to be exact. I won't bore you with what's been going on--I'll leave all that juicy gossip in the books I'm publishing in the next few months. 

If you've been following up on my other social media accounts you'll know life has been pretty good to me. 

I can't complain, I literally hit the jackpot, or as people say, "I lucked out". "Luck" because, let's be honest, life isn't always fair. Perhaps, I should add that I also co-created the life I now live.

Anyway, I hope life has been good to each and everyone of you as well.

If you're wondering why I'm blogging here all of a sudden, here's why:

I found out my blog is the first on google ranking when you search "forever young revolution". FYR practically dominates the first page of google and that's a big deal for me. Especially since I wasn't aware of it until lately.

Here's the dilemma, should I continue blogging here or create a new blog? I mean, I can do both...heck, why not?

Finally, I published "Unbecoming You", five years after it was written. I'm so proud of it, it was number one in new releases for several weeks. 

That beautiful cover was created by my beloved.

And guess who the publisher is: I finally created my own publishing house. Yay :-)

I'm also going to republish all my other books (Lemonade Street, When a Woman Loves a Man). Ananda is also available on amazon: 

In other great news: Guess whose teenager is graduating from high school in a few days? I'm a proud mama. 

That's all for now folks. Going to make some tiramisu. 

check out my other sites:

Also, follow me on tiktok @ iam_magic9

I'll blog again soon. Will let you know my other blogging site when it's ready.


"The divine feminine is the creative force that is within all things and all people, including the masculine. It is the nourishing, powerful, life-giving energy of love, compassion, of peace and of transformation. It is a deep well of ancient knowing, with roots that stretch back through time itself."

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