My Beet -the-carrot-ap juice and Apple-fennel-ginger juice. This is the stuff good life is made of!
I woke up this morning with a bbbbbbbbbbbang :-) Did my 20 minutes of walk with Nina and another 20 minutes of cardio and weight training. Today I decided to make Alexa's Apple-fennel-ginger juice. This is by far my favorite juice ever and the sweet aroma when you're juicing it is so intoxicating. Anise rocks!
8 organic red delicious apples, de-seeded, washed and skins left on and diced
1 fennel bulb, with all the trimmings, juice everything.
2 Tbsp ginger (I love ginger so I put a lot)
With the pulp I came up with that fabulous pate below. I figured why waste when you can get two meals out of one? Nina can't get enough of the pate with some celery sticks, she wants me to make it everyday, lol. What a healthy-delicious appetizer!
Beet-the-carrot-ap JuiceYes, you can go ahead and beat the carrot up for a day, lol-- I like the name-- or beet-it-ap like I did.5 Lbs bag organic carrots
1 red delicious apple
1/2 to 1 whole beet, peeled and sliced
This has a nice burgundy color to it and tastes YUUUUUUUUUmmiiii hmm

Be happy on Thanksgiving Day. Do yourself a favor this time around and don't overeat, because if you do, it will not be a happy Thanksgiving but a sad one. Start your day with your regular 30 to 1 hour of cardio or circuit training or whatever form of exercise you do. This is a proper way to start your day and you will find out that you won't eat quite as much as you did in the past years. Did you know that on average, people gain an excess of five pounds over the holiday period? Let's add this up: It means you are eating at least 3,500 calories or more a day. At 1 pound a day, it's no wonder the scale cries after Thanksgiving and Christmas.
You might want to remember that it is not all about the food and remember why this day is celebrated.
Make smaller portions of food instead.
Substitute stuffing for vegetable medley.
Serve yourself on the smallest plate.
Always eat a big bowl of salad before you eat anything else, it will help keep you satiated and also aid in digestion.
Skip desert and eat it much later.
Drink water or freshly made juices instead of all the other choices.
When you serve yourself, remember that your stomach is as big as your fist. Make sure your plate is more than half way filled with more live/raw foods.
Do not combine starches and protein on the same plate: basic chemistry, they both require different digestive juices to digest them and a base and and acid neutralize or cancel each other out and hence digestion is put to a halt and food begins to putrefy--and then it goes down hill from there. Remember the gas, heart burns, bloating and food coma you felt last year? Help yourself, challenge yourself to start eating right this Thanksgiving, New Year is too far away. This is one of those times when all raw/vegans can rest assured about what we eat. When you live a raw/vegan lifestyle this is rarely a concern. We can feast and party with the best of them and end up with no weight gained and no food comas. It is BLISS being a raw/vegan.

We have been invited by our very good friends for Thanksgiving and it will be a wonderful feast and celebration. You can still eat together with people who don't practice the same lifestyle as you. While they will be cooking up a storm and making some of their great dishes, Rick will be making a vegan tofurky, mashed potato and gravy and I will make the fruits and veggies platter and some rawmazing deserts! I may also make some raw pumpkin pie for tomorrow. For my dinner I will make some raw/vegan patties and some flax seed bread, as you can tell I will be having a feast as well. I can't wait.
Apple-fennel Pate1 heaping cup of pulp left over from apple-fennel-ginger juice
1/3 cup safflower oil
1/3 cup raw apple cider vinegar ( I like Braggs)
1/2 avocado
Put all ingredients into a food processor and blend till smooth.
This is very mouth watering and filling when eaten with some fresh celery sticks, it is sweet and sour and will keep you full between meals.
Make the right choice everyday. Tomorrow is another to prove to yourself what you're made of! Be kind to your body.
Stay blessed.