Do you feel tired all the time? Feel like taking a nap in the middle of the day? Do you feel tired everyday and can't seem to roll off the bed easily in the morning? There is a reason why we feel tired. Think about this, will a car drive good on an empty tank? well, the answer is no. Just like cars our bodies need fuel. But it has to be the right kind of fuel.
Just as a car will not run on water or veggetable juice, the body cannot run well on gasoline or soil. It has to be the right kind of food. Have you noticed that when you combine a starch and protein you get bloating, indigestion and you always feel lethargic? Food was meant to provide us with energy and not make us feel tired and weary. When you load the body with food that it does not need and cannot use, you are wasting the body's energy source. The energy that was meant for you is now diverted to trying really hard-- and most of the times without success--to break down the 8oz of steak you just ingested.
By the way, did you know that it takes about three days for a meat to be broken down in your system. By that time, you've obviously eaten other things and your dead meat is putrifying in your stomach and bad bacteria is growing around it. I don't mean to gross you out but the truth sometimes is a bitter pill to swallow. For the body to have more energy, we have to feed it with live fooods that require little or no energy for the body to break them down. By incorporating more fruits and vegetables and properly combining our foods, we help the body conserve more energy it may need for things such as repairs and maintenance.
The easiest way to make sure you get the right servings of fruits and veggies everyday is to add green smoothies to your diet. Don't be suprise if you stop craving those sweets and actually start eating less. When your body has the nutrients it needs, you start to crave more of the good stuff and less of the bad. Green smoothies are complete foods, very easy to digest and they leave you feeling very energized. Here is a thought: Make a mental list of all the animals who live on greens alone and then ask yourself this, these animals hardly get sick living in the wild on roots, fruits and veggies why then don't we humans--who are 99.4% genetically identical to them--eat like that?
Here are a few recipes:
1 cup of spinach, 2 pears and 1 cup of water (how easy is that? you can be creative.)
1 cup of spinach, 10 finger bananas, 2 cups of water (Nina's Favorite. Kids love this)
2 mangos, 1 bunch of parsely, 2 cups of water
4 apples, 1/2 lemon, 5 leaves of kale, 2 cups of water
Have fun!!!