Friday, August 7, 2009

The List

Fruits, veggies, legumes and whole wheat grains. You can find something to eat in these categories. Be creative and remember fruits only for breakfast and no eating after 8pm. NO PROCESSED FOODS AT ALL. NO MEAT, NO DAIRY, NO SUGAR.
Today I got up and walked. I had a glass of water in the morning with some freshly squeezed lemon in it. Today is an all fruit day for me. I love fruits, you can make it as a fruit salad, a smoothie or you can juice the fruits. There are many different knids of juicers out in the market, have your pick. For the smoothies use nothing but fruit and water or crushed ice in the blender. If you need to drink some tea during the day you can add some stevia to sweeten it. There are links below for stevia and juicers.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds very delicious. I wish I could do this now. I am sooo broke and out of work, I can barely afford fruits or food right now. Any suggestions for an alternative?
