Showing posts with label FYR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FYR. Show all posts

Friday, February 25, 2011


Some days all you think of is food, hopefully good food right? here are a few to feast your eyes on :)

















HUNGRY YET? YOU CAN FIND SOME OF THESE RECIPES IN BOTH eBOOKS FOR SALE ON THIS SITE....Drink and eat to your health, you'll thank me later!





Sunday, February 20, 2011

FYR™ Swimsuit Reveal is ON!

Are you ready for the Forever Young Revolution to be the solution in your resolution this year?
It is often easier to show love to others than to ourselves, so this year I’m challenging you to spread that love to you, too. For me, it is getting a gorgeous swimsuit(s). All my life,  I have always avoided wearing swimsuits, mostly because I was shy and partly because I was insecure about how I would look in them. So here I am, 32 years old, two children later and I can't wait to buy and wear my very first swimsuit...  What about you?  Have you lived your life shying away from them, too?  

I already have my eye on quite a few red-hot-on-fire designs. But, I’d rather not be doing this alone, so I am sending this message to all who want to join me on this exciting ride.  It’s the FYR Swimsuit Reveal. All you have to do is ‘follow’ my blog, get your copies of the FYR eBooks and join The Revolution. I’m betting you’ll love yourself a little differently if you do.  Everyone who hops aboard must send me an email telling me about themselves and why they want to join in the fun. You must also include a current photo, and then, another photo of the new you, so that on July15, 2011 the reveals can take place:  
All of us will reveal ourselves in our bathing suits. The excitement doesn’t stop there, for twelve lucky people will get the chance to be featured in the very first FYR Calendar. All profits, of which, will go to support a worthy charity. How about it? Love yourself a little differently and help feed the hungry? I can’t wait to stand by all you healthy bathing beauties at the event. To purchase your copies of the FYR eBooks just look to the right side of this blog and click 'Add to cart' and your e-books can be downloaded in seconds.
May I solicit your help in choosing the best swimsuit for me? Anyway, as you all know I just had my second child 6 months ago, and here's how I look now after the FYR™ program:

V is for VICTORY!
okay here are a few of some of the swimsuits I've been checking out, I will number them so anyone who'd like to leave a comment can tell me which is their favorite. If I could buy them all I would :)













I like them all, but I have to choose at least three or four Hmmmmmm, the search is on. Join me, it's not too late to get to your goal before or by summertime.

Remember to drink and eat to your health, you'll thank me later!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


It just makes sense that the youngest member of FYR™, my partner and long time FYR™ enthusiast, Nina Lakota, should be the official face of FYR™, not because she is my daughter but because she personifies everything FYR™ stands for, youth, health and sheer joy. She even puts me to shame when I start to 'fall off the wagon' on my FYR™ journey:

"Oh, Mama, you know you're not supposed to eat that!", 
"That's just unhealthy!" 
"You can do it Mama, you promised yourself you would exercise today, come on, don't let yourself down." 
"I can't wait to do raw food again, and all those raw desserts, yum!" 
"Your form is off Mama, you're not doing it like the girl on the workout tape, squat lower..." 
"Mummy, I don't want eggs or meat, I want a salad, something fresh and healthy..." she goes on and on and on. Not that we don't splurge occasionally, we do, but when I'm on one of my quarterly detox periods, and I have to stick to the plan, she watches me with eagle eyes "I just want you to be successful at what you do," is what she tells me.

So I asked her a few days ago if she would like to be the Official face of FYR™ and she said yes, that is, after she asked "Will I get paid to do that?" LOL well, yes Ms. Nina, of course, and you can add that to your resume or portfolio too. Little Ms. Entrepreneur!

This got me thinking that we need more young and beautiful faces for this campaign. So FYR™ is conducting a search for 'little' faces to add to our site and eBooks, we need many more FYR Kids™.

Nina came up with some great recipes for her own FYR™ kids dessert Book, yes, this one will be in Print not just an eBook, and we are throwing a 'Mommy & Me for FYR™'  and/or 'Daddy & Me for FYR™' challenge to every parent. The idea is to come up with a simple dessert (ingredients have to match those on the FYR™ approved list, so you have to purchase the FYR™ Lifestyle eBook, The 90-Day Companion may also give you some great ideas). The best recipes (creativity and presentation) will be featured in the FYR™ Kids Dessert book, along with bios and photos. Also, Mom/Dad and child must be spotted with any of the FYR™ gears in their entry photo (mug, apron, t-shirt etc) you can get these from the FYR™ Shop at

I am excited to see new FYR kids™ faces. This challenge runs till June 1st and winners will be announced June 15th (along with the winners of the 90-day challenge) and will be notified when the Book is published. Remember to drink and eat to your health, you'll thank me later!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is it possible that our bodies could have a memory of their own?

4 Months after my 2nd child can you spy my 4.5 packs? :-O

4 Months after 2nd child
The human body is simply AMAZING, is it any doubt that even through years of constantly abusing it, it can still forgive us once we start treating it with care? Imagine how much harder it would be for us to lose weight or be healthy again if we had unforgiving bodies. Maybe we should all learn a thing or two from our bodies, I know I have.

Do you know that our bodies have memory cells? I know this for sure because twice after having both my babies, it 'remembered' what I used to be like before I packed on the pregnancy weight. I have always loved working out and I know with the law of reciprocity, my workouts have loved me back :-). With my second pregnancy I put on more weight than the first and still unbelievably returned to my pre-pregnancy weight faster (mind you, I'm still breastfeeding, so I still eat well enough to produce milk for my baby).  Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that if you 'remember' your body, your body will 'remember' you. I consciously made an effort to be in good shape before both my children, but with the second child I was even more dedicated, if you can remember my 60-day raw food journey from last year (I 'remembered' my body) and my body 'remembered' me as soon as I started eating healthier (FYRApproved foods) and working out. Could it be as simple as that? You bet! It definitely got me thinking for sure. And if you didn't 'remember' your body before, it still will love you once you start to 'love' it, cool huh? Anyway, I am super excited to share with you the upcoming FYR eBooks. This new year, I got so many emails from so many people asking me how to get back in shape. And so I decided to put everything into a series of eBooks that you can soon purchase. Here are the first few titles soon to be released:
1) The Forever Young Revolution--"I just love myself a little differently." (Basically tells you about the  FYR lifestyle, provides you with a shopping list of FYR approved foods, and a detailed 21-day detox menu and recipes for every meal of every of the 21 days, plus a whole lot more you wouldn't want to miss)
2) FYR 90-Day Superstar Challenge Companion-- 90 motivational Quotes, 30 Juice and Smoothie recipes and 10 Great Reasons Why You Should Take the Challenge (This is your conscience and me as your coach in words, a detailed breakdown of every day for 90 days of your challenge, great motivational quotes from a few of the greats and yours truly and a bonus star-studded FYR Superstar menu for the star in you. Recommended in conjunction with the first eBook above)
3) FYR Deserts--Melt away the pounds with every sweet and delicious bite (Just like its title states, you will eat as much deserts as you want and still watch the number on the scale descend. This is the one time when you can eat your cake and have it too!)
I encourage everyone of you to join me in making this year, 2011, the most fabulous one yet. Join the Challenge and see what stuff you're made of. Let's DO IT!!!

The Youngest FYR Revolutionist, my daughter, Nina.

I will continue to keep you updated. I must go now but I'll be back soon...
Remember to eat and drink to your health, you'll thank me later!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Resurrection of FYR

Wao! it's been almost a year since I last posted on this blog and I know you all have been wondering where the heck I was. I am a proud mama of two now, yup, just had my baby boy on August 26th, handsome, healthy, young man! During my pregnancy, the first three months were filled with Day sickness--not morning sickness-- so I could not even post here at all, I was sick like a dog (well worth it :-). Anyway I will tell you the story sometime later. Just wanted you all to know I am back and once I'm done breastfeeding, I will be going through a weight loss plan to lose the etxra pounds I gained while pregnant, so stay posted just in case you want to join me,lol. For now enjoy this video of my 7 year old daughter making her favorite breakfast smoothie. Also feel free to visit our older posts from the previous year ( 2009)there's lots of information to digest while waiting. Here's Nina!



Friday, December 18, 2009

Food Inc.

Good morning FYR folks, lol. I hope you had a great and perfect day yesterday like me but if you didn't why not try to make this day the one? I woke up this morning very refreshed and well rested and decided to start my day with my FANTASTIC, GREEN, SLUSHY-NUTRITIOUS ELIXIR. This consists of

1 tbsp organic barley max
2 ripe bananas
2 ripe, golden pears
2 tsp coconut oil
12 oz water

I later juiced some fennel/apple/celery and, mm great! Not everyone at home (except for Rick, likes it so it's more for me.)

If there is one movie anyone should watch going into the new year, let it be 'FOOD INC.' I can't imagine anyone still eating animal flesh, or at the very least reducing their intake of animal protein, after this very important movie but to each his/her own, right? At least do yourself a favor and know how your meat is fed, raised/handled and packaged. Some people choose to live in ignorance but I choose to know and then make a choice after the facts. If you have netflix service you can rent it or watch it on your computer or TV.

I wish more people were as passionate about this planet and what they eat as they are with every other thing aspect of their lives. More passionate people means better communities, changes in laws, less sick people and a better environment for our children and those who will come after us someday. More passionate people means more organic foods and less processed foods, it mean lower rates of cancers and every other disease that plagues our society. More passionate people means more voices that are heard, more determined and decisive people who can make a change and start a revolution. More passionate people means less ignorance about what we choose to feed ourselves and our families, more passionate people means more happy people, more happy and healthy children, more happy and healthy children who can pass it on.....does anyone care to join? does anyone hear the cries? does anyone care to make a difference starting with themselves and their households and then to the communities and eventually to the world/planet.

Those who fought and dedicated their lives to preventive medicine have been ridiculed, bashed and forgotten. The selfless ones are the ones who are called tyrants and pushed away. So today I dedicate this blog to a few of my heroes and heroines:

Dr. Max Gerson (for his relentless efforts and commitments towards eradicating cancer--which he countless cases. You can purchase The Gerson Therapy at any local book store and online)
Dr. John R. Christoper: Herbal Legacy
Dr. Ann Wigmore: For her amazing discovery of the benefits of juicing wheat grass and more.
T. Colin Campbell (For his amazing contribution to nutrition and health. Read The China Study)
Victorai Boutenko: Green For Life

My gosh this list will never end if I continue but these are my heroes because they dedicated their lives to serving others in the most basic ways we often forget; food. We can become, pilots, doctors, teacher, farmers but we must all eat to live. We must all eat the right foods to have a full life that not only enriches us but everyone in our community. I thank God everyday that I was open enough to learn these truths and willing enough to incorporate it in my life and my loved ones and also to have this forum where those who seek can be inspired to open their ears, hearts and minds to dare something new. I applaud all of you who seek, the truth is right in front of you, reach out and grab it for yourself. It is your birthright!

"When the Student Is Ready, the Teacher Will Come." Are you ready?


Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear Banana...

My Famous Mouth-Watering Raw/Vegan Pie
"Dear Banana,

Let me just start out by saying I can't live without you. You are the sweetest fruit I have ever tasted. You shine like the sun and wear your polka brown dots when ready for me. You are the perfect one, providing me with tons of B6, Vitamin C and Potassium. You are my ideal; economically, nutritionally and in deliciousness. You have all the essential amino acids and up to 5.2 % protein by weight, putting you way above dates, figs, grapes, melons and oranges. My doctor once told me "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away." but now I know better, even apples don't come close to you being that they have only 0.2% protein by dry weight.
You are available to me all year round, something a girl sure appreciates *thanks* for I don't fare well with unavailability. Thanks you for being the sweet one I can always count on.



UPDATE: As of last week Tuesday, my mom has lost 8 pounds on the FYR lifestyle. Can you tell from how her face glows that she is very satisfied? We haven't reached our gaol yet so we keep on going. Great job, Mama!

Mom's green smoothie:

1 head of lettuce
2 ripe bananas
1 cup red seedless grapes
2 Tbsp of flax powder
2 tsp of coconut oil
1-1.5 cups of water

Aunty Flo's Apple/cantaloupe juice tasted really great. Instead of throwing away the pulp I always try to use it to make something else, so with this, I made some homemade apple sauce for Nina, needless to say it didn't last very long in the fridge. Apple sauce is one of her favorite snacks.


Yesterday I got orders for my first two raw pies. The pie above (my on-the-spot-ten-minute-creation) has been causing a huge stir. On first bite, I got two orders from two different people...this is just so much fun, I can't stop smiling. Nina's piano teacher has also been spreading the word around about my famous pie "You should enter it into a contest or better yet sell it to a restaurant as a healthy desert option." is what he said to me. Wao! didn't know I'd be getting that much buzz for a less than 15 minute creation--created with lots of love every time :-)
If you'd like to order some let me know what size (my standard is a 9' pie) and when. Send request to my email address provided.

Have a blessed day.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


She is 50 years old, five grown children aged 30, 25, 24, 22 and 17 and she is ready to make a change that I definitely admire. Today was supposed to be the third and last day of my Mom's thorough 3-day detox after which she can start to eat solids (vegan of course) but she announced to me yesterday that she would like to continue till Saturday. She says she feels so light, that she feels like she is gliding above the ground and she loves what the detox is doing for her . Since she's been at my house for a little over a week, she's been faring well with our raw/vegan lifestyle. I look at her and one would think she has lived a pampered life but that couldn't be more far from the truth, yet she has the determined spirit to do whatever is good for her. Tomorrow, we do the first week record progress and I am happy to know how much weight (toxins) have been washed out of her body.

Last night we had family over and Rick made a delicious, 3-hour preparation, vegan paneer masala (an Indian dish) and the scent would have driven anyone crazy but my Mom didn't budge and even when Rick asked her to taste the sauce she refused. She reminds me of me, lol, when i decide to do something, I don't back down because it usually starts an endless cycle of self-disappointment. I am very proud of her. As you can tell from the picture above, she is looking fabulous and I can tell she is shrinking, lol. She understands that it is not about losing weight but being healthy, truly healthy, weight loss is a by-product, a bonus and it feels just great!

There are somethings that when you do in life can completely change all other aspects of your life. When you do something you thought was previously impossible, you start to have such confidence in yourself and you know in your heart of hearts that you are stronger than you thought you were and that there is absolutely nothing that you can't do once you decide to do it. I hope we can all make that change as this new year comes along. Let this day be the beginning of the best years of your life. Decide today to accept the challenge and do something great for your health. The government and FDA don't care and love you as much as you love yourself. Treat yourself like the precious person you are and feed yourself the best foods there is; go back to the basics and feed life into your life, Go green!

My Double-decker raw pie
This is the best pie I have made yet. My mom was amazed that I made it in less than 10 minutes. Raw pies and deserts are the easiest foods to prepare and to eat this guilty-free nutritious-deliciousness is just heaven (aunt Cathy we are so making this one in MA). You could fool your SAD friends and family with this. OOOOOOOOOOoooooh so YummmmmmmY! lol
Goodbye for now and tata.