Monday, July 20, 2009

Cure for acne

There is no such thing as a quick cure. What we hear and read as quick cures is like throwing your trash underneath your carpet. In the long run you are just wasting your time and effort and making matters even worse because the real issue is not being addressed properly. Pimples are blockage in the pore caused by dead skin cells becoming glued together by sebum which isproduced by the sebaceous glands. The sebum then harbors bacteria and hence pimples are formed. There are two ways to cure this, the first of which I think is the best:
1) Naturally: Our bodies react a certain way due to what it is fed. Sodas, fried foods, and highly processed foods are the culprits. To achieve long lasting results we must start from the inside out. I'm sure we've all heard of the saying "You are what you eat", the author couldn't have been more right. Enrich your diet with whole foods; non genetically modified foods, and add more fruits, vegetables and water to your diet. Water is very important as it aids in washing out toxins. Fruits and veggies provide the body with the fuel to function properly and rebuild worn out cells. They are also detoxifiers and provide the body with the right vitamins and minerals to fight off ailments. Here are some pointers:
- Fresh juice of papaya on your face; try it and see how it works
- Garlic has been known for its antibiotic benefits, a paste of garlic on the infected area will do your skin some good
- Crushed cucumber, avocado and some pure honey is also effective.
But above all, healthy eating and a good exercise program is all you need to get you to where you want to be. I haven't had a pimple for over seven years but I also am the girl who drinks nothing but water, freshly squeezed juices and eats lots of fruits and vgetables
2) Over-the-counter medications: These include formulas that contain Benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. In severe cases you may have to seek medical advice and get prescription medication.
May I stress once more, "You become what you eat" and that is all there is to remember. Here are other suggestions:
-Drink a glass of water with freshly squeezed lemons first thing in the morning is very good for the skin. It hydrates the whole body and helps bring it to an alkaline state and the more alkaline your body gets the less you run into unnecessary skin and/or body conditions.
-Avoid heavy makeup and foundations they suffocate the skin and the more you hide and conceal using these products the worse it gets. Also remember to wash your face before you go to bed.
-Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Drinking plenty of water is the best way to do that because when skin is dry, it forces the sebaceous glands to over produce in order to remedy the situation.
Finally remember, If you take care of your body, your body will take care of you. So be strong and choose wisely what you ingest.

Friday, July 17, 2009

What are you ingesting for breakfast?

The whole idea of cow's milk is just a way for those who've invested in the business to make huge profits. If you were asked to go to a barn and suckle on the udder of a cow would you? why then do we drink cow's milk? because it has been conveniently packaged for us in a container? Do you know that cows are naturally not made to produce milk in such large quantities? They have just enough for their young. What are they given to speed up this process? well, hormones I would think. This causes enlargement and inflammation of their breast tissues and for those of us who have studied biology this can be a very painful process. And what happens when an area is inflamed? Pus begins to accumulate. What is pus? Pus consists of a thin, protein-rich fluid, known as liquor puris, and dead cells, which are part of the body's innate immune response. Pus travels to the intercellular spaces around the affected areas; the cow's udders. Yes and you may be saying, don't they pasturize these things? pasturization not only kills the bacteria in it, it also destroys all the nutrients in the food. So when next you go to buy milk or when you're handing a glass of cow's milk to your child, remember that they may just be ingesting pus for breakfast. This goes for cow milk and all its products including cheese, well that's another topic. We will talk about cheese on another day.

FYR 21-Days Detox Program

Foods to Eat During the 21 days of detox:

-All Fruits
-All Vegetables
-All Nuts
-Legumes (beans, lentils, etc)
-Water(Distilled is best)
-Brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat flour
-Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil

*Detox is recommended quarterly*

Foods You Can Eat After 21 Days:

- All Fruits
-All Vegetables
-Legumes (beans, lentils etc)
-All nuts
-100% juice, no sugar added, no preservatives or additives
-Brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat flour
-All natural spices, herbs and seasonings
-Bragg Liquid Aminos(Good alternative to soy sauce)
-Fish (Halibut, salmon, tilapia)
*Not to be eaten more than once a week*

-Soy milk, rice milk, almond milk
-Sweeteners: Stevia:, organic grade B maple syrup, pure wild honey, raw sugar cane

-Poultry(If you must); hormone-free, dye-free, antibiotic-free (chicken, turkey)
*Not to be eaten more than once a week*

***Plus you can only eat either fish or poultry in a week and only once per week.

Foods To Avoid: (Slow Poisons)

- Red meat, Pork
-All Diary including eggs, milk, cheese etc (Highly mucus forming)
-White sugar and everything made with or from it
-Bleached grains (white flour, white bread, white rice, white pasta etc)
-Coffee (Very acid forming) substitute with Cafix
-All Fried foods
-High fructose corn syrup (found in almost everything)
-Foods that contain additives and preservatives
-Sodas(All sodas), soft drinks and carbonated drinks
-Artificial sweeteners including splendaâ, sweet ‘N lowâ etc.
-Hydrogenated oils
-All artificial products (Highly processed)

Thursday, July 16, 2009


My five favorite superfoods are:

1) Vegetables: They are high in fiber and low in calorie. They can be eaten lightly cooked or raw and they are packed with vitamins and phytonutrients. My favorite are kale, spinach, broccoli and carrots.

2) Fruits and Nuts: I always mix these two for breakfast in the morning. The nuts add some protein to the mixture and it is oh so delish!!! I love berries because they are full of antioxidants, sometimes I make a smoothie with just blackberries, strawberries and rapsberries. Fruits will provide you with vitamins, folate and they are very essential in cleansing the body that's why FYR recommends fruits for breakfast. Nuts are a good source of proteins and good fats. I especially love walnuts and almonds.

3) Whole Grains: Brown rice, whole wheat bread, barley, quinoa etc. they are ladden with tons of fiber, magnesium and vitamins.

4) Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper has come to be one of the best herbs for me in the recent months. Organic cayenne has huge medicinal benefits. It has been used over the years for its healing properties. To read more about cayenne please visit this link:

5) Beans and Lentils: Beans are low in fat, calorie, sodium and are very high in fiber and complex carbohydrates.They are an excellent source of protein and can be combined with veggies and carbohydrates (such as brown rice). When combined with barley or oats they provide all the amino acids. Examples are chickpeas(which I use to make hummus), kidney beans, black, pinto and navy beans and soy beans.


Life foods are foods that are in their natural state. Foods that have not been processed, destroyed by overheating. Foods that are free of pesticides and antibiotics. Life foods give you energy; they heal and repair rather than make you tired and sluggish. If you can only remember this :Life foods are alive and dead foods are dead. At FYR, anything that can grow when planted into the soil is alive. Can you plant chicken? can you plant a spoon? yes, but will they grow? no. but you can plant wheat and apple seeds. The best kinds of foods are those that are organic and wholesome. It may take a while to introduce these into your diet but it is worth it. Sometimes I go to the farmer's market and I wonder if the soil the produce was grown in was healthy to begin with. If it was not a healthy soil then eating all the fruits and veggies in the world would not benefit me in anyway. All fruits and veggies are life foods. At FYR we encourage you to incorporate as much of these life foods into your diet as possible. FYR is far from boring, we have looked into every diet out there and realized you cannot ask people to starve themselves without getting a consequence; that consequence is yo-yo- dieting.

About FYR

"Forever Young, I Want to Live Forever Young..."

Are you tired of counting calories?

Tired of portion control?

Tried all the diet and weight loss pills in vain?

Do you have a close relationship with your scale?

Feeling ten years older because of stress?

Tired of waking up exhausted and dragging yourself throughout the day?
Have you ever burped and smelled the scent of yesterday's meal?
Is bloating a problem for you?
How long have you been battling acne?
Tired of starving yourself and then enjoying the snack underneath your pillow before bedtime?

How often do you smile and know that it comes from a good place inside of you and you do not want to stop?

Do you love what you see in the mirror?

Ever wish you could try a different lifestyle?

Do you want to Love your self a little differently?

Then join the revolution!!!

Like so many people, I have been confused for so many years about health. I had too many questions that had several different answers hence my yo-yo dieting effect. Some people said eat a lot of meat, others stay away from carbohydrates, others said eat nothing at all, well for someone who enjoys food the last one never seemed to work for me and even if I tried it I'd end up overindulging, sound familiar?

Well, I am here to tell you what works for me and has been working for many others who finally found the secret to good health. It is called “The Forever Young Revolution” or FYR to be short. It does not involve any pills, diets or magic. It is simply something that most of us used to do or have seen our parents do.
It is based on a very simple principle which I call the life principle. It states; life to live. Let me go a little further to explain this. We need life in order to live, without life we die. For our bodies to live and thrive, we must give it life, life foods.

FYR is a lifestyle.

What are some of your unanswered health and fitness questions?We will love to share them and you will find solutions that will blow mind. The answers have been around you all this time, yes it is very close to you.Now its time to reach out and grab it.

You will hear unedited testimonies from the those who have dared to love themselves differently and what FYR is doing to thier lives and rebuilding broken relationships.

Welcome to the "I just Love myself a little differently" Lifestyle!