Foods to Eat During the 21 days of detox:
-All Fruits
-All Vegetables
-All Nuts
-Legumes (beans, lentils, etc)
-Water(Distilled is best)
-Brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat flour
-Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil
*Detox is recommended quarterly*
Foods You Can Eat After 21 Days:
- All Fruits
-All Vegetables
-Legumes (beans, lentils etc)
-All nuts
-100% juice, no sugar added, no preservatives or additives
-Brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat flour
-All natural spices, herbs and seasonings
-Bragg Liquid Aminos(Good alternative to soy sauce)
-Fish (Halibut, salmon, tilapia)
*Not to be eaten more than once a week*
-Soy milk, rice milk, almond milk
-Sweeteners: Stevia:, organic grade B maple syrup, pure wild honey, raw sugar cane
-Poultry(If you must); hormone-free, dye-free, antibiotic-free (chicken, turkey)
*Not to be eaten more than once a week*
***Plus you can only eat either fish or poultry in a week and only once per week.
Foods To Avoid: (Slow Poisons)
- Red meat, Pork
-All Diary including eggs, milk, cheese etc (Highly mucus forming)
-White sugar and everything made with or from it
-Bleached grains (white flour, white bread, white rice, white pasta etc)
-Coffee (Very acid forming) substitute with Cafix
-All Fried foods
-High fructose corn syrup (found in almost everything)
-Foods that contain additives and preservatives
-Sodas(All sodas), soft drinks and carbonated drinks
-Artificial sweeteners including splendaâ, sweet ‘N lowâ etc.
-Hydrogenated oils
-All artificial products (Highly processed)
"Its amazing. I did it for 21 days, then 40days, now it has become my lifestyle. Its is worth all the time in the world for the way you will feel when you try this."