Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Over-drugged America

When you hear a nurse say "There's no difference between inorganic and organic food, they all do thesame thing in the body." makes me wonder what people are learning nowadays. There is a vast difference between organic and inorganic. Organic means certain standards have been used to produce a certain food. In organic the use of on organic pesticides, insecticides and herbicides are strictly prohibited. Most non-organic foods have been grown with the above plus dyes, homornes and additives have been added to them to make them palatable.

I watched a PBS show some nights ago and it broke my heart to see this mother hearing these words from her child's pediatrician "That's the only way to go, we have to get him on these meds quickly. This is what he needs." and he pushed a tray of five prescription drugs infrot of her. Her son must have been no more than five or six years old. The mother had asked the doctor if there were other therapies her newly diagnosed child could try. The tears in her eyes broke my heart as I am a mother too and we always want the best for our children. I wanted to reach through the TV and say "Let me tell you a therapy you can try. Try a vegan diet on your child for sometime and see the difference it makes it his life." Her son had been diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and I'm thinking, he's just five, he should be hyperactive, he's a child, he's not yet a zombie like the rest of us.

'Tis not enough that kids and adults are on drugs even the animals and the fruits are on drugs too...what an abomination!

We have become a society that is so quick to medicate because we lack patience and are so preoccupied with making money that we would sell the life of a child for extra bonuses from the pharmaceutical industry. Everyday there is a new medication being advertised on Tv, actually, most commercials alternate between the gross food commercials and the extremely-disadvantageous medications. It's almost as if we have been brainwashed to believe any of them is good for us. On one hand they are making you sick with unhealthy food and then when you get sick they give you these "death sentence" or what they call them today, "Pills" to get you even sicker.

I am not saying discard all drugs, but most of them are really unecessary if we only ate right and ate the whole foods our bodies need. My mother, who is 50 years old has NEVER had a cavity! She lives in a world where everything is grown organically. I remember my grandmother making a little garden in the back of our house in Cameroon. She would enrich the soil with manure (peels of bananas, shells of eggs, peels of fruits etc) our trash was our wealth, we reinvested into our garden which later flourished with veggies and fruits that we used to cook.

The trash here is mostly cardboard, plastics and bottles, I don't think those can make for good manure. I want to leave a great world for the next generation so that my children's children can still see trees and animals and enjoy the sun without fear of cancer. It is the voices of reason that keep getting quietted but those who just want to make a profit at the expense of a human life, thrive. Our crime: greed. You can make a difference. Start with you. Love yourself a little differently.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

FYR's Raw Chocolate Mousse


1/4 cup pitted dates
1/4 cup carob powder or unsweetened cocoa (for a caffeine-free recipe use carob powder)
1/4 cup organic maple syrup (I use organic grade-B maple syrup) or agave nectar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 marshed avocados
1/4 water
1/2 cup freshly made almond milk (optional)


Blend maple syrup (or gave nectar), dates and vanilla in a food processor. Then add the avocados and carob powder (or unsweetened cocoa). Add water. Add almond milk (optional) and blend for about a minute. YUMMY DELICIOUSNESS for your taste buds!!!!! Enjoy. Refrigerate and serve chilled or eat as is...It also makes a great chocolate spread for your bread.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

30 Days Green Smoothie Challenge

Are you ready for the 30 green smoothie challenge? I discovered green smoothies not too long ago and in that short time I have seen some marvelous changes in my body and especially my skin. My skin is SHINNING, for lack of a better word. I noticed it in the first three days. Now I have my daughter, my husband, my mother in-law and a few of my friends all doing it now. The book that got me started was Victoria Boutenko's Green For Life. I used to do a lot of juicing before but now I do more of the green smoothies. They are the best way to get your daily requirement of fruits and veggies and they are filling and delicious too. Don't let the green liquid fool you, once you try it you will never go back.

So I am throwing out a challenge out there, a 30 days green smoothie challenge starting October 1st. It is a great way to detox without feeling starved. So yes, you can only eat salads and smoothies or juices and water. One month only and your body will love you for it. You can eat sea veggies like kelp, seaweed salads etc. Get your shopping list ready and head to the market. Here is an essential list of veggies you will need for your green smoothies:

Spinach, endive, red lettuce, romaine lettuce, parsley, cilantro, kale, collard green.

For fruits you can get all your favorite fruits.

Here are a few of my favorites:

1 cup green grapes
1 (130 g) orange, peeled
1/2 Bartlett pear
1 (120 g) banana, fresh or frozen
1 cup kale
1/2 cup water
2 cups ice cubes

and this

2 bananas
3 oranges, peeled, quartered
1 head romaine lettuce
4 cups cold water

and this one too:

4 cups of spinach
1/2 a cantaloupe
A handfull of red seedless grapes
2 cups of cold water or 1 cup of ice

Nina's favorite

10 finger bananas
3 cups spinach
1 cup of cold water

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Spinach-Cantaloupe Delight

1/2 a cantaloupe (or 1 small cantaloupe for more sweetness)

2 cups of spinach (3 cups for 1 whole cantaloupe)

3/4 water

7 cubes of ice

Blend and enjoy! You may use other greens too for this recipe (lettuce, endive, parsley etc)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rick's Eggless Egg Salad


1 container extra firm tofu

1/2 onion (white)

2-3 tablespoons Veganaise (one made with grapeseed oil)

Garlic powder



Black Pepper


In a large bowl crumple tofu with fingers. Add Veganaise, enough to cover the tofu. Add onions.

Sprinkle garlic powder and black pepper to taste. A pinch of sea salt and then add turmeric to add some color. Serve with whole wheat muffin, bread or use as salad dressing.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Refreshing Monday

How about you start your week with this refreshing smoothness?

3 Celery stalks

3 Bananas

handfull of grapes

...and while you're at it, have everyone

around you try some, that is, if you really want to share this. Because you just might not, it is that good!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


My husband's creative deliciousness that left me speechless. Steamed veggies on a bed of quinoa and topped with a peanut/coconut milk sauce made with tempeh....