Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 22 (30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge)

FROM MY KITCHEN TO YOURS: Raw/Vegan Burger with Not-Your-Unhealthy French Fries (hint: jicama is way more delicious and healthy.)

My mother in-law and aunt in-law are both convinced I am channeling their late father, Louie. I laughed so hard when they told me this and even though it is funny when you think about it, I am actually very honored because I have the utmost respect for this man.
He was a very health conscious man and would talk passionately about not eating dead foods and staying away from diary and meats. He was ahead of his time and would often almost always offend people with his views and beliefs-- If only they would listen to this incredibly smart man.
He was self-taught and would spend countless hours in Libraries reading books upon books on every subject. One thing I admire most about him was the fact that he never worked for someone in his life. He had his own business and was very diversified. Is it possible to love someone even though you never got a chance to meet them?--he passed about two years before I met Rick--I know, admire, respect and love him very much. I think we would've been the best of friends. God bless you, grandpa Louie, we would talk up a storm when I get to meet you in heaven someday. For now, I am honored to know and practice what you were/are passionate about, keep inspiring me and I will pass it down to the generations that come after me.

Well, I decided to mix it up a little today. For breakfast, I made a vanilla milk shake, raw and vegan of course. It was done and ready to serve in under 5 minutes--and I made the almond milk fresh this morning, I have become an expert now, lol.

Almond Milk:

1 cup almonds, soaked overnight and rinsed
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups of water
1 pitted Mejool date

Blend all together and strain through a nut bag or cheese cloth to get out all the pulp. You are left with a creamy delicious-nutritious almond milk.

Vanilla Milk Shake:
Almond milk
4 ripe bananas

Pour almond milk back into rinsed food processor and add in four ripe bananas. Blend till smooth. YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY! And very much Nina approved :-)

Tomorrow's topic will be very interesting, you won't want to miss it.




  1. That looks delicious. This is a very interesting post to me. I would say that they are right about Louie. It's true that he was ahead of his time. Today his views would be looked at as normal. Something interesting you might like to look into is Calorie Restriction dieting. It's not actually a diet, but a life-long approach to eating that looks at the digestive system as a limited resource. Studies on life expansion are showing that CR may actually be able to help people live much longer lives.

  2. Hi Brother!!!!

    Thanks for reading and posting. You are right about the CR. With the Raw Food lifestyle, you do just that because your body gets all it needs from the nutrient dense foods you eat. And like I wrote in an earlier post, I have found that I don't have to restrict myself because I get full on just 1 stuffed red bell pepper, it came as a shock to me as I was used to eating large amounts and stuffing my face before I even burp. Can't wait to see you and Nicole and Jacob and someone new, lol :-)

    love you

