Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 6 (30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge)

ZUCCHINI-LINGUINE Photo from site listed Below.

I will introduce you to many sites with great recipes like this one:

Wao! I am on day 6 already and feeling as light as air. I feel full yet I don't feel that heaviness you feel when you're on the SAD (Standard American Diet). I had a 20 minutes walk today with my God. I always meditate when I walk or jog, I have on my earpiece and I listen to "Worship Together" I love listening to "Above All", keeps me focused and keeps my mind at peace. You can choose which ever way you want to stay focused, I find that this helps me most. I drank lots of water yesterday and my pee has no color, well sometimes a barely noticeable yellow hue and definitely no odor (sorry if I am grossing you out but I am just being truthful. That is what my daily diary entry is all about; the changes in my body when I'm on raw food).

I find that I've become more patient and I smile more, it's less about me and more about others, I watch them, listen and make them comfy. It is great to hear someone say "You've brightened up my day" or "There's something about you that shines." I heard this compliments before i started the 30-day journey but it's always nice to hear them again and again knowing there's something really 'shining' inside me (my insides, lol more precisely, my colon :-)).

This is what I made for smoothie today:

2 bananas
5 kale leaves
2 handfuls red seedless grapes
1.5 cups of water

You can always freeze your fruits a few minutes before you blend them, that way you get the cold, frothy smoothie you like.

I have a lot of cleaning to do today so I must say tata but I will be back tomorrow with some great insights about what your poop says about your health.


  1. this is well done Bernice..who knows in a few months i will be watching the news and there u are america/cameroon next top cook (au naturelle)..I am very proud of you Bernice and just keep up the good work.....

  2. Hey Bernice i have looked through all your recipes and each one gets better and better..That is eh thank God for you..Keep up the good work and you are an inspiration to many..stay blessed and good luck with everything...P.s I see Nina is doing great job tooo...wonderful..Stay blessed my dear

  3. Thanks Love, they are so delicious too.

